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Sunday, March 20, 2011

No fly zone

Je ne suis pas expert, mais j'ai l'impression que la traduction de "No fly zone" c'est "changement de régime".

Tant que Gaddafi avait l'air de perdre 'tout seul', personne avait l'air de s'en préoccuper. Mais quand il commençait à se reprendre, tout d'un coup il fallait intervenir.

Et tout ceci alors qu'on n' a pas fini de villipender Bush & Blair d'être intervenus en Irak.

Et on a vu ce que la 'démocratie' a apporté aux chrétiens d'Iraq.

La semaine passée j'ai lu un article qui expliquait des bonnes raisons pour ne pas intervenir - dont une qui était de ne pas fournir à Gaddafi un rôle tout fait pour lui: "défendeur contre les impérialistes." Et en plus il y a du pétrole dans l'histoire.

Je suis sûr que la perspective de centaines de milliers d'immigrés ici en Europe ne comptait pas dans le calcul.

Enfin, avec Julian Assange (Monsieur Wikileaks) en prison, on risque pas de savoir toute la vérité tout de suite.

(I am not an expert but...) I think that if you translate "No fly zone" into English, it sounds like "regime change".

As long as it seemed like Gaddafi was losing "on his own", so to speak, nobody seemed bothered. But once he looked like he had the upper hand, it suddenly becomes important to intervene.

All this when people still haven't finished villifying Tony Blair for "intervening" in Iraq.

And we've seen what 'democracy' has done for Iraqi christians.

Not so long ago I read a reasoned article about why not intervening was probably a good idea - not least because it means Gaddafi can cast himself as "defender against imperialists". And with oil into the bargain, the motives seem very mixed.

And of course, resolving the situation in North Africa as soon as possible is also a good idea if you don't want them all coming "over here."

With Mr Wikileaks in prison, we'll probably never know...

3 comments yet :

  1. a suitable comment from a safe and ever-neutral country. Not so sure you'd feel like that if you'd had to endure nothing but Qaddaffi-ism.

  2. Sure, but I think that the choice of who 'we' decide to liberate is rarely innocent. And the choice of words that is used to present it to the public neither. That is why I was calling out the disconnect between the name "No Fly Zone", and the (apparently different) reality.

  3. And as someone (I can't remember where) said: "When did just war theory ever prevent a war?"

    Involving oneself in 'kingmaking' is dangerous stuff - a bit like playing God. You can mess around with the pawns, but you can't be sure of the outcome.

    Sharia Law for Libya?
