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Monday, October 28, 2013

Unschool ... Non-sco

'Unschooling' peine à trouver sa traduction en français, mais voilà quelques bribes:
- Apprendre en liberté
- 'Nonsco' ou 'Non-sco', ici, ici et ici.

Une vidéo intéressante qui montre le côté un poil militant/révolutionnaire:

Soyons clairs, on n'y est pas encore, chez nous, mais ça m'intéresse.

Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that rejects compulsory school as a primary means for learning. Unschoolers learn through their natural life experiences including play, game play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction.
(More here)

Some interesting stuff:
Pros & then cons, by the same person

Tangentially related:

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