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Sunday, February 28, 2010

ME! ... MOI!

Nous sommes dans la phase indépendance.

Elle veut manger toute seule, s'il vous plaît (sauf quand elle est fatiguée).

Puis à sa façon aussi.

En l'occurrence, c'est sa soeur qui lui a donné l'idée de comment manger sa soupe plus vite qu'avec la cuillère.

Vous remarquerez peut-être ses cheveux mouillés...

Si jamais, elle a eu des maladies les unes sur les autres depuis le début de l'année. La grippe du cochon d'avant Noël a affaibli son système immunitaire, et elle a eu droit à toutes les saloperies qui circulent. Une des raisons pour le silence sur ce blog ces derniers temps.

Elle va mieux, mais doit prendre des antibiotiques pendant deux mois, et on n'invite personne pendant ce temps, pour éviter des nouvelles infections.

Rebecca is into her independent stage at the moment.

She wants to eat on her own, if you please (except when she's tired).

And in her own way too.

As it happens, this time it was her sister who gave her the idea of how to eat her soup a bit more efficiently than with a spoon.

If you look closely, you'll see her hair is all wet too...

She's been ill on and off since the start of the year. Seems that the swine flu we had before Christmas knocked her immunity for six, and she caught all the bugs that are doing the rounds at this time of year. Which is one of the reasons I haven't had much time for blogging recently.

She's better, but taking antibiotics for two months. And during that time we're not having people round, to avoid new bugs.

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