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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Fever ... fièvre

Première grosse fièvre pour Kalia aujourd'hui - c'était un peu paniquant pour les nouveaux parents que nous continuons d'être. On n'a pas l'habitude de voir notre petite choupette pleurer sans cesse et bouillir du front.

Finalement, entre Dafalgan, petit bain frais, câlins et siestes, ça a l'air de se stabiliser, on espère vivement que demain ça ira mieux !

On pense que c'est des molaires qui s'annoncent, mais on n'est pas encore allé voir.

Feverish baby today, bit scary for 'new' parents such as we. We're not used to having Kalia cry non-stop for hours on end.

In the end, with calpol, a cool bath, cuddles and naps, she seems to be a bit better, and we hope it will be all over by tomorrow (and also that we'll be able to sleep the night).

We think it's probably molars on the way, but haven't checked.

Apart from that, life is showing no signs of slowing down for Christmas, in fact it seems to be going so fast, I'm not sure whether we'll even have time for a breather...

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