Dernier jour, baggages faits, nettoyages finis, voiture bourrée à craquer, montres remises...

Last day, packing finished, cleaning done, car bulging, watches back on...

Une petite place de jeu avant de prendre l'autoroute.

A little bit of play area before hitting the motorway.

Une amie a offert des livres avec des photos d'animaux aux filles juste avant de partir. Très bonne idée, elles se sont occupées un bon moment.

A friend gave the girls albums with animal photos just before leaving. Very good idea, kept them occupied for a long time.

Après avoir coupé un bout à travers la campagne, juste avant de reprendre l'autoroute, on a tourné un peu pour chercher à manger...

After having taken a cross country short cut, we wanted to find somewhere to eat before getting back on the motorway...

Pour finir, on a suivi des panneaux qui indiquaient 'grillades', pendant plusieurs kilomètres ... pour se retrouver au restauroute! Moi qui m'imaginait dans un bled avec une vue bucolique...

We followed signposts saying 'grill' for a few miles, down some windy country roads, and ended up... at the back of the motorway services! There was me imagining myself in some beautiful picturesque setting... And thus being France, we couldn't actually get on to the motorway from there, so we had to drive all the way back again. Don't suppose that reminds anyone of anything? (Parents driving miles to find a 'nice' place to eat)